Sunday, March 27, 2011

Chapter 17

Once Miss Tarango and Mr. Barker had entered to the classroom they both had been surprised and screamed for they were shocked by the mess created by the animals. Mr. Barek asks where the little critters had come from, and everybody had pointed at James Scobie's desk. Mr. Barek questioned James if he had anything to do with this incident, but James just replies with a no. (Also Mr. Barek realizes that James has a spider on his glasses and freaks out demanding James to take off his glasses, but James just says not to worry since the insect is harmless. James takes off his glasses to remove the spider from his glasses.) Mr. Barek then questions of James knew who might have done this, but James says that he has no idea, but Ishmael knew that of course it had to be Barry Bagsley and his crew of trouble-makers. Mr. Barek then searches everybody's backpacks and desks to find any evidence, and finds boxes with holes in Barry's, Danny's, and Doug's backpacks. Mr. Barek punishes these three boys with after school detentions for twelve consecutive days.