Saturday, March 26, 2011

Chapter 16

The next week after Bagsley had bullied James, Ishmael is called to the office. After Ishmael finds out that the office had never really called him he headed to his first class In his first class he saw Danny Wallace and Doug Savage had been on Scobie's desk early in the morning which was unusual for they usually got there after the bell. Ishmael suspected something for James had not been in the classroom like he usually would be. Ishmael asks Danny and Doug what happened with James and they say that he was with Barry outside in the playground. Ishmael starts to become extremely suspicious for he cannot believe that Barry Bagsley is becoming fiends with James. After James walks inside the classroom towards his desk class begins. Once James opens his desk little critters like grasshoppers, cockroaches, spiders, phasmatodeas and other insects. Everybody in the room jump from their seats to not be in contact with one of the small insects or arachnids for they are afraid of them. Once everybody is calmed down they all realize that James had not moved an inch from his seat since the surprise.


  1. Excuse me if u pay close attention the 8th line where it says 'Barry Bagsley is becoming fiends with james' friends is spelled wrong

    1. Its meant to be fiends as in kinda like enimies

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
